
Strategic Portfolio Diversification with Small Business Acquisitions

Invest in 25+ Profitable SMBs with 1 Check - SFV Fund I is Open to Accredited Investors Today.

The Growth Potential of Venture Capital,

The Fundamentals of Private Equity

At Search Fund Ventures, we're pioneering the future of smart investing. Our focus? Recession-resistant B2B powerhouses hidden deep within supply chains.

We don't just invest—we transform. We arm entrepreneurs with our proprietary Tech-Enablement Playbook to supercharge these enduring businesses, creating resilient companies that don't just survive in challenging markets—they thrive.

Riding the Golden Wave

  • Succession Surge

    Capitalize on the largest transfer of business ownership in U.S. history as the Baby Boomer generation moves toward retirement.

    40% of Small Businesses
  • AI-Powered Growth

    The AI revolution will transform every industry and the entire world. We keep our portfolio companies on the cutting edge.

  • Managed Fund

    Our fund provides broad exposure to the asset class, allowing you to invest in a diverse portfolio of compainies with a single investment

A Boutique Experience

We provide family offices, institutional investors and high net worth individuals exclusive access to top-tier SMB acquisitions, often co-investing with the most prolific firms in the space.

Small Fund Advantage

Larger firms simply don’t have the ability to deploy their capital into lower market deals. This opens a gap in the market that we exploit for improved returns.

Proprietary Deals

Our strong coinvestor network, operator network and proprietary deal flow engine provides access to the top acquisition deals in the SMB acquisition space.

Expert Analysis

We expertly analyze and diligence each deal at every step of the investment process, creating excellent downside protections.


Our partners bring a combination of deep financial expertise and prolific entrepreneurial experience

Sean Smith

Managing Partner

Sean’s career spans significant roles at CIBC, facilitating transactions worth over $11 billion, and entrepreneurial success with Tangerine House. His tenure at Applico Capital honed his skills in M&A advisory and venture investing. Sean’s combination of enterprise-scale transaction expertise and entrepreneurial insight ensures thorough and strategic evaluation of our investments.

Nick Bryant

Founding Partner, Anchor Investor

Nick Bryant is a career entrepreneur and investor. He started out at NASA Ames Intelligent Robotics Group and quickly moved into the startup world. He was an early engineer at sharpspring.com, competing directly Hubspot. SHSP strategically sold to SMTP Inc for $15 million and again several years later for $250 million.

In 2015, Nick started Arcanium.vc, an elite boutique software engineering and recruiting firm. This was our first multi million dollar portfolio cashflow company. At this time we began investing in single family Real Estate as well.

In 2016 Nick created a holding company called Interesting Inventions Inc. We launched and scaled a portfolio of profitable iGaming and Marketing Technology properties, earning 9 figure revenues. Nick exited his positions in 2022 to begin Bryant Family Capital.

Book a 1:1 Informational Session

Book a call with one of our general partners. We are happy to answer any questions you have about how search funds can fit into your well-balanced investment portfolio.

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Next Steps

  • Schedule a Call

    Schedule a call with one of our general partners to get answers to all of your burning questions about Search Fund Investing.

  • Managed Fund

    Our fund provides broad exposure to the asset class, allowing you to invest in a diverse portfolio of compainies with a single investment

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